Monday, January 30, 2012

Is it possible to train your stomach to eat raw food?

like, maybe not for me cause im too old, but just hypothetically, is it possible for humans to be immune to the negative effects of eating raw food like chicken?

like, if they've eaten it since their birth?Is it possible to train your stomach to eat raw food?
cooked food is tastier and gets digested easier and has less bacteria and microbes, raw food is tasty in some cases and it's digested though it has more bacteria and microbes you can get the energy from it.Is it possible to train your stomach to eat raw food?
Yeah i think so, same reasons how homeless people who eat from bins dont get ill where their bodies have got immune against the bacterias.Is it possible to train your stomach to eat raw food?
Yes But you will get sick (possibly) your body will get immune to Raw Foods. Like how your body can be immune to diseases!!!!Is it possible to train your stomach to eat raw food?
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!鈥? That's just stuipd plain stuipd NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!鈥? you can not

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