Monday, January 30, 2012

What is the hardest part of a raw food diet?

I'm trying a raw food diet, and I'm finding it really hard. I'd really appreciate your story and what you found hard or easy about the raw food diet.

I'm new to this so anything would help me out in sticking to this diet.

Thank youWhat is the hardest part of a raw food diet?
The beginning! Stay focused and assure yourself that you are doing this for good cause. Grab a few inspirational books or articles on success stories of people gone raw.

Temptations, cravings, hunger pangs, and even emotional memories associated with "bad" foods will drive you nuts in the beginning, but they become fewer and farther between. Accept these feelings instead of fighting them, and then move on to the next day. As you go further down the road of raw, those bad foods will become almost nauseating, really!!

Not having the warmth of heated foods going down your pipes. This should pass soon.

Detox symptoms. If you are very toxic, these may be extreme. If you ever find yourself having symptoms that you cannot handle, cook yourself some steamed veggies or a baked sweet potato. This sops or slows down the detoxing effect and will enable you to carry on the next day. Know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that the grass IS greener on the other side!!!

One of the hardest parts for me was watching all the videos on raw food chefs making a myriad of wonderful meals, knowing that my kitchen and my funds could not support this eloquent way of "un"-cooking. This is when I realized that the best path to rawness is keeping it simple. I also learned that if you can't afford organic foods all the time, find a list of foods that are usually safe if not bought organic.

Good luck!What is the hardest part of a raw food diet?
Many people consider that the most challenging aspects of raw dieting are fighting food cravings and learning how to deal with social situations when you're raw and can't eat traditional food.

Most people aren't born into raw households, so they eventually transition to raw diets sometime in their adulthood. By the time you are an adult, you're likely to have a bunch of food addictions - either to carbonated drinks, cookies, chocolate, chips, coffee, pizza, or whatever else you just can't imagine yourself living without. Not consuming any of these for a very long time will usually generate a feeling of craving for that specific food.Luckily, there are ways to beat food addictions and to adjust yourself to social situations where the others aren't raw. The resources i mentioned might give you an idea of what they are.What is the hardest part of a raw food diet?
im currently a vegan, and i have tried the raw vegan diet for a week but i found it really difficult. mostly because i dont know how to cook, and raw food diets require creativity when i comes to making meals. i lack any sort of creativity. also, as im probably the poorest person i know, it costs quite a bit getting a large variety of raw recipes. for that week, i relied heavily on water, lettuce, and cucumber. the only good thing is, i lost quite a bit of weight from my diet.What is the hardest part of a raw food diet?
Im doing the same, but im juicing all my fruits and vegitables. Its easier to get down and mixing the fruit into the drinks takes the bad vegitable flavor away somewhat so its really doable. Im a hardcore meat and potatoes guy. All I eat, along with bread and cheese. So going from that to this, juicing wasnt to bad.

I am on my 12th day and im down 15lbs and I feel better, sleep better, no more snoring, more energy so im not always in the lazy mood, being a diabetic type1 I noticed my blood sugar is lower and more in control, and the amounf of insulin I take a day is lower by half already.

You will be hungry alot when you start, and you will crave so many foods also, but just no that your supposed to drink (if you juice it) up ti 8-12 16oz cups of whatever you feel like juicing. If you eat then make sure you eat enough as well.

If you feel sick or bad doing this, dont think that what your doing is bad or raw food is bad, its just all the **** inside your body like parasites etc acting up because they no longer have processed crap to feed off of. And they are pissed about it. You will need to crap alot also, because the diet will fluch all your bad left over crap away. So prepare lol.

To be honest though, cooking all your vegitables and eating fish isnt bad either, its incredibly healthy. No need to go to the EXTREME and just eat raw this and that. Just cut the processed fave packages **** at the store.

Think about this, why are humans so sick today compared to hunter gatherers of the past? Look at the diets. In fact compare us today and our diets to any civilization in the past before the invention of wheat.
The hardest part is surviving

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