Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Is dehydrated raw food less likely to have parasites in it as normal fresh raw meat?

I am starting to feed my dog raw, but got a little worried when I started reading about parasites in raw food. So I wonder, if instead of fresh raw I decide to feed dehydrated raw, will it eliminate the chance of my dog getting parasites?Is dehydrated raw food less likely to have parasites in it as normal fresh raw meat?
Yup, you freeze it. I would not feed wild swine or bear or beaver... wild game like this can carry a species of trichinella which is NOT killed by freezing... everything else, a week or so at zero degrees or colder and you're good to go. A lot of folks are worried about this and that initially. When they see the overall improvements in their dog and the enjoyment the dog gets from eating a species-appropriate diet, the worries kinda fade away.Is dehydrated raw food less likely to have parasites in it as normal fresh raw meat?
I have read frozen foods do not contain enzymes which are one of the prime reasons for eating raw food.

Maybe giving the dog as anti-parasite herbal tincture every so often would help. Use Clark's rule for dosing found here (dose the dog by its weight)

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Is dehydrated raw food less likely to have parasites in it as normal fresh raw meat?
See if you can find organic meat as when animals are feed better, they are more resistant to parasites so organic may be lots better.

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Where are you getting meat for your dogs that it's full of parasites? If you're going to feed raw, your dogs should be getting the same fresh meat that you'd purchase for yourself...well, if you lived in other cultures anyway. I'm probably never going to sit down to a plate of heart and think "oh, yummy."

There are a lot of myths about raw feeding. That the meat is full of parasites is one of them.

I've got dogs here who've never been fed anything but raw, and we have no problem with parasites, internal or external.Is dehydrated raw food less likely to have parasites in it as normal fresh raw meat?
If you feed human grade food, there's no problem with parasites; but if you are concerned, almost all parasites can be killed by freezing the meat for a month or so.

Dehydrated raw would be fiendishly expensive.

I feed raw, and I rarely pay more than a dollar a pound. When I get free meat off freecycle or craigslist, the average price goes way down.

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