Raw diets are very beneficial for dogs, my dogs used to be on complete raw diets, but with expenses and availability had to cut back to half raw half kibble (raw morning, kibble night). I'm glad you already plan to not mix them (was my first thought when i read this question), as the two substances digest at different rates and can increase their chance of getting worms and salmonella.
Though I am reluctant to feed them alot of kibble (due to the very poor ingrediants used in most), there are some high quality foods out there. Canidae was one for a while, though i'm not sure about its current rating. Taste of the Wild, Premium Edge, Fromms, Evo: red meat, Evangers, some of these foods are good for dogs and are either low in grains or grain free.
However, raw diets are not something to just jump into, so be sure to do your research on the subject before you begin. Dogs of different sizes/weights have different ratios of RMBs (raw meaty bones), organ meats, and muscle meats measured out by the ounce. For example, giving a small dog a whole chicken leg would be giving far too much calcium, etc than it's body needs, the same as giving a large dog only a raw chicken leg will be giving it too less. Chicken necks are a better protein source as they are said to have a good balance between bone and meat on them (you can buy them from your local butcher).
Again, please do the research before you start and raw is a very healthy diet for your dog :)Can i feed raw food with dog food to my pup?
If you must, sure. But why feed him crap and real food when you can simply feed just real food. A lot of people want to do what you said...why I don't know.
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