I want to switch my four-month-old pit bull/German shepherd puppy (who is allergic to grain) from Nutro to an all raw diet or maybe raw food with some kibble.
Any information is appreciated as I know nothing about feeding raw food. I didn't even know you could do this until last night.
Menus, amount, type of food, price, etc.
Thank you!What can you tell me about feeding dogs raw food?
Sorry but you can forget some of the answers you have had so far.
Never feed raw WITH complete as suggested somewhere, and forget all the RAW is bad for them and shortens their life crap, and the YA is the worst place to get answers ....
Gees... what is going on here tonight,
I and quite a few of the regulars feed raw and have done for years. Please email me and give me a proper email address and I will send you a pile of stuff to start you off along with some recommended sites.
When you email me I will send you sheets on various bits and pieces including a whole list of possible things to ask a butcher for.
You are looking to basically feed 80% meat, 10% bone and 10% offal. You need to get going on it but keep reading so that you are getting clued up as you go along.
Well done on an excellent choice - and I am sure you won't look back. Cheaper and better by far than any kibble you can get.
http://www.rawfeddogs.net/http://www.rawmeatybones.com/http://www.鈥?/a> http://www.rawfed.com/myths/index.htmlhttp://www.mypetcarnivore.com/rawfeeding鈥?/a> http://www.topdog.ie/index.php?pageid=ra鈥?/a> Here is one list of vets around the country. http://leerburg.com/holisticvets.htm http://www.rawnaturalpetfood.com/
http://www.dogster.com/forums/Raw_Food_D鈥?/a> http://www.rawlearning.com/http://www.barfworld.com/
Raw Feeding Links - Groups, websites and store sites for parts, organs, rabbits etc. http://www.prey4pets.com/servlet/StoreFr鈥?/a> http://www.mypetcarnivore.com/rawfeeding鈥?/a> http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Rawfe鈥?/a>What can you tell me about feeding dogs raw food?
I personally dont' feed raw but holistic brand of dog food. If you are going to give some kibble the dog is probably not going to eat it after having the raw. But if he does get a brand like Blue Buffalo or Innova, Earthborn is what I feed my dogs.
http://www.ehow.com/how_2126252_feed-dog鈥?/a>What can you tell me about feeding dogs raw food?
First of all IMO raw diets are the best option for your dog. Whilst it may sound a little expensive at first, it become cheaper as they get older, as they eat less. Also a lot of people have reported reduced veterinarian bills due to their great overall health resulting from their natural diet.
The biggest difference I have noticed since switching my pup over about three weeks ago is 1) the improvement to her coat - it is nice and silky 2) no ear wax - like none at all 3)reduced amount of faeces as she is using essentially all of the food I am giving her - no more fillers that just pass through her.
In regards to what option you go with for feeding your pup, from what I understand you have two option, which I highly recommend researching yourself= barf and prey models. If you choose barf, as I have, you then have another two option; homemade and premade. Personally, I homemake mine - sure it takes a little longer but it is way cheaper and I am able to choose what goes into her food and even mix it up when I wish.
This is the recipe I use for homemade barf diet. In no way is it 100% but I am still doing my research and I will continually add to it as I see fit.
2.5-3kg chicken/beef/kangaroo mince or chunks
2kg mixed veg run through food processor (they MUST be run through food processor %26amp; some people don't feed veg at all)
3 raw eggs (shells run through food processor)
0.2kg chicken liver (I run these through food processor as well or chop them finely because my dog doesnt like them whole)
1 clove garlic (natural repellent for fleas)
cod liver oil
olive oil
Then divide this into 200g bags and feed 2 a day. I think the formula is 4% of a puppy's body weight and 2% of a dogs body weight a day, divided into however many meals you give them.
Then every second or third day she is also given sardines in oil (GREAT for their coat) and/or raw meaty bones (emphasis on the RAW and MEATY) such as lambs neck, kangaroo tail or chicken necks/wings/thigh.
My costs are about AUD$20 a week but I've heard thats quite expensive (but that does make like a week %26amp; a half) but just keep an eye out for cheap meat.
Also DO NOT feed them half raw half kibble as they are completely different foods which are processed by your pup differently. If you feel you MUST feed both feed them as seperate meals, not together.
If you are going to feed raw, it must be ground. I use to feed Evan whole prey model food, but he nearly died one day after choking on a piece of turkey tail.What can you tell me about feeding dogs raw food?
My advice is to google the BARF diet or prey model diet, I don't feed raw yet.. but I know Y!Answers seems to be the worst place to get information on it =)
it shortens their lifespan up to 50 percent
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