Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What is healthier - a raw food diet or a vegan diet? What is tastier - raw food or vegan?

I am lactose intolerant.

Some of the raw food recipes I've tried haven't been that good but the desserts have been great though.

Best websites for easy and tasty meals for vegan and raw? Preferably where the recipes are rated and ingredients available in Australia.What is healthier - a raw food diet or a vegan diet? What is tastier - raw food or vegan?
i'm talking from personnel experience so trust me i used to be vegan at that time i had read so many "evidence" about the health benefits of a vegan diet(almost no disease, lot of energy , good for animals" i read so many theories about the vegan diet i almost became an expert i thought i would be healtier,happier etc. 6 months later after starting the vegan diet : went from muscular to as skinny as a toothpick (looked like i was about to die according to my parents) , no energy whatsoever, no sex drive, very pale skin, you could see the bones in my face, grumpy , always hungry no matter how much i ate, etc. food gurus might tell you that the vegan diet has all you need but strong evidence show that you lack: protein, calcium, vitamin a, d, and fat soluble vitamins, iron(a lot) , magnesium , essential fatty acids (only in fish omega 3 and 6 , enzymes to help with all chemical reactions in the body and many other things. many people have had serious problems with this diet i'm a guy but girls have misscarriages, their period stops, and other things (already mentioned above) i know a lot of things about nutrition and now my health is very good , i'm muscular(i have to i play basketball), always have energy , never tired , no headaches, physical ailment nothing. secret. i aonly eat natural food : a lot of meat (yes nothing satisfies your hunger better than animal food fish, poultry, chicken and it's low in calory so it helps you lose weight tremendously while cutting down on carbs wich make you gain weight ), lot of fruits, 4 cups of green tean every day, lot of water, basically an omnivorous diet but no junk food ,no sodas,no biscuits just natural foods . tribes in africa eat that way and have no diseases at all . so forget about those vegan know it alls anf follow my advice if you're fat you'll become normal ,too skinny you'll become normal as well with this diet you'll basically reach your ideal health and bodyweight.by the way i tried the raw food diet for 3 months this time i almost died. i don't wanna scare you but eat a natural, omnivorous diet .What is healthier - a raw food diet or a vegan diet? What is tastier - raw food or vegan?
Both diets require a careful balancing of foods to ensure you get all the nutrients you need, particularly calcium, iron, and proteins.

However, the Vegan diet is far more forgiving as it allows for a much wider selection of recipes, and allows for cooking of vegetables that are hard to digest efficiently in their raw state.
That depends.

Most raw foodists chose their diet after suffering some chronic health problem, like allergies, depression or migraines. For many it is a welcome alternative to a life of toxic and debilitating pharmaceuticals. Most raw vegans believe that health problems which arise from lifestyle choices can be treated in the same manner.

I have never met a raw foodist who believed (as a previous response claimed) that cooked food was harmful, nor do we use the term "dead food" frequently. Cooked food is simply devoid of enzymes, thus not as easily digestible. Without digestion there can be no assimilation of nutrients, and circulation suffers.

For me, raw food is healthier. And the meals I prepare are much tastier than the sodium and fat laden processed foods so many people rely on.

(My nut burgers beat the crap out of microwaved Quorn.)






http://www.welikeitraw.com/rawfood/What is healthier - a raw food diet or a vegan diet? What is tastier - raw food or vegan?
Raw foodists feel very strongly that "dead food" (cooked food) is harmful, but, at this point, it is hard to establish that cooked food is the cause of health problems. I don't want to poo-poo raw foodists, because some would say that the data on veganism is limited, too. In general, studies show that a well-balanced vegan diet is very healthful; in some cases, we don't get as much of some good things (B-12, zinc, etc.) as meat-eaters, but we get more of other good things (fiber, vitamins A and C, etc.), and, of course, much less of the bad things, and are, hence, less prone to most diseases (cancer, heart disease, etc.). For these reasons, I feel confident in saying that a vegan diet is more healthful than a standard American one. Of course, raw foodists are vegan, too, but they eat a much more limited range of foods.

Regarding taste, well, honestly, if you're vegan, you can eat your favorite raw foods, and cooked foods, too, so the obvious answer is vegan.

Vegan recipe sites/blogs:

http://www.theppk.com/ (punk rock and all-around popular!)

http://veganyumyum.com/ (fancy!)

http://www.veganmeat.com/ (easy!)
I'd say that tastier is vegan diet, simply because there's a bigger food choice and a bigger chance you'll like more foods. healthier - probably raw food diet, because there will not be so many chemicals as it might be in some vegan foods.

but I think there's not a significant difference between these two.What is healthier - a raw food diet or a vegan diet? What is tastier - raw food or vegan?
ewww you eat FOOD???? How wasteful!! How Barbaric!

The "breathairian" diet is the way to go. No dishes to wash. You may need to buy a coffin after a couple months of this diet, though.


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