Raw foodists eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, juices, sprouted grains, and any food that can be made by a combination of these things. Food is considered raw as long as it has not been heated over 115 degrees, the temperature at which most enzymes are killed. Recipes often call for the use of a dehydrator, which can make crackers, tortillas, cookies etc. at very low temperatures.
The health benefits of a raw food diet include improved digestion, relief from gastro-intestinal disorders, improved circulation, better eyesight, increased energy, and significantly fewer complaints of migraines and depression.What is a raw food vegan and what do they eat?
A raw food vegan eats no food that has been heated above ~118 degrees (the temperature at which raw foodists say the enzymes are killed varies from 115 to 121) at any time since the plant was a seed. Raw foodists eat only fruits, vegetables, nuts, and sprouted beans and grains. A raw foodist might soak nuts, such as almonds, and mix with water in a blender to form a "milk" or a "cheese".
I've eaten raw vegan meals before, and while it's not for me as a lifestyle, I do enjoy how creative some raw foods "chefs" can get. And during summer, a raw meal is quite nice.
Not all raw foodists are vegan. I have heard of some raw food advocates who drink raw (unpasteurized) milk, although only periodically. I have even heard of some who eat small amounts of raw meat. But I think most raw food advocates are vegan.
You can check www.fromsadtoraw.com, www.oneluckyduck.com, www.naturalzing.com, or Google raw food vegan for more information.
that site has loaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaads of information on everything to do with vegetarians and vegans
xoxoWhat is a raw food vegan and what do they eat?
Raw food vegans eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and possibly sprouted grains, all in their raw uncooked state. There are many different variations of this diet, some favoring more fruit, others favoring more vegetables or fat. Dr Doug Graham advocates an 80/10/10 diet which means 80 percent of calories from carbohydrate(simple sugars), 10 percent from fat, 10 percent from protein. This is a high fruit diet with lots of vegetables as well, but very little nuts and seeds, and no grains at all. Others advocate much less fruit, and higher amounts of fat to "balance" out the sugar content of fruits. Some even recommend a large amount of supplements. It can be debated whether these supplements should even constitute any part of a raw food diet.
Raw fruits %26amp; veggies, no meat, no dairy products, etc.
And it's also incredibly stupid to do.
The best explanation I've heard, as to how we should eat, was from some old Japanese texts, that calculated the amount of meat - vs - non-meat foods, to be the ratio of incisor teeth, to omni or vegetarian teeth.
We have almost 20% incisor teeth, therefore out body's design dictates we should be eating about that much meat of some type.
I don't eat beef or pork, but I do eat seafood and poultry.What is a raw food vegan and what do they eat?
a raw food vegetarian is a vegetarian that does not cook there fruits,vegies, and other foods before they eat them. For an example if i grab a carrot out of the fridge that was not cooked and ate that carrot cold and i always did that and never ate meat i would be a raw food vegetarian.
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