Sunday, February 26, 2012

Why do a lot of people on the raw food diet/raw vegans have wrinkly skin and look old?

so a lot of extreme raw foodists out there claim that going raw makes them look radiant and glowing and makes their skin look great blah blah. but literally all of them (or the "raw gurus" i've seen on youtube) have wrinkles, look terribly old, and their hair looks dry. and they're all relatively young. what is lacking in their diets?Why do a lot of people on the raw food diet/raw vegans have wrinkly skin and look old?
Do you think they could have gone on to the raw food diet because health issues and their skin was terrible beforehand? Ive met people on a raw food and macrobiotic diet when they suffer an illness or just want to cleanse and I have to say their skin was glowing! but they were short term raw foodiesWhy do a lot of people on the raw food diet/raw vegans have wrinkly skin and look old?
I've not had that experience. Nearly everyone I know who is on a raw diet looks at least ten years younger than they actually are. I'm not on a raw diet, but based on the people I see, I'd try it. It's like it freezes them at the age they were when they started. I've only known one "raw" person who looked old, and he is pretty old. I think he also eats a really low-fat diet (he does the 80-10-10 thing) and he lived a bit rough before he started. He also smiles constantly. :-)Why do a lot of people on the raw food diet/raw vegans have wrinkly skin and look old?
B12 is lacking

If you don't get enough B12, you might become anemic. You don't carry enough oxygen to your blood. You look pale and your immune system might become weak.

But there are be many other signs of B12 deficiency:

* Tender or sore muscles;

* Lack of energy, anxiety;

* Irritability;

* Poor hair condition;

* Eczema;

* Depression;

* Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet;

* Impaired memory;

* Infertility;

* Impotence.Why do a lot of people on the raw food diet/raw vegans have wrinkly skin and look old?
A lot of extremist meat eaters look fat and aged too.

The key is extremist.

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