Monday, February 20, 2012

What is the raw food lifestyle?

People eating raw food? Does this mean they never eat anything warm like a hot soup?What is the raw food lifestyle?
Have a read through these raw vegan websites:

You can warm up soup in your dehydrator or have soup in warmed bowls, which is lovely for the winter.

There are also some people that eat raw meat:

.What is the raw food lifestyle?
Raw food is just that....People who eat food that is never cooked with any heat.

Although, I did see on TV once a restaurant that was focuse on raw food living and they did cook some of their foods but never at temperature higher than 30 degrees or something. It was to keep ingredients like veggies virtually raw but could be served on things like a simple flat bread which needed some form of heat to bake. At one point of the show, some foods were left out in the sun for a while and they were still calling it raw.
All that raw food means is that it wasn't cooked past 160 degrees F.

It also doesn't include meat, gelatin, etc.

There are plenty of things that ARE raw-friendly, you just need to search for them. Try finding them at your local health food store. They have pretty much everything vegetarian, vegan, and raw friendly.What is the raw food lifestyle?
from what i have heard , its eating things raw, and as fresh as possible,

technically speaking this makes sense, there is far more nutritional benefits to fresh, just picked vegetables and fruit, the trouble is this is hard to do, especially all year round.

worse though is that most people on the diet are trying to cheat it, it kind of defies the purpose of doing it in the first place
It's eating the foods that God intended for us to eat in their natural state and avoiding processed, man-made food as well as mother's home cooking.What is the raw food lifestyle?
Raw food means u eat it how it grows right off the bean stalk, right out of the dirt, right off the tree, etc. etc. Nothing is heated - like soup. You b be so incredibly healthy!

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